Sunday, June 20, 2010

Into the Wilderness

I wrapped up Into the Wilderness last night. I did enjoy it, though there were parts that were just a bit too long winded descriptive for me. As a whole though, the novel moved along at a good pace and had a lot of interesting characters (though it was unnerving when I read the list of "important characters" at the start of the novel and it spanned several pages). One particular chapter early on made reference to Ian Murray, Claire Fraser and Jamie Fraser who are characters from the Outlander series (which is my very favoritest!) and I became both intrigued and very nervous. It was interesting to have them name-dropped, but I was very concerned that meant they would appear later on and I'm not ok with someone else writing about them. I also don't really see the point in having them name-dropped as it was just a bit confusing. The main character, Elizabeth, was a bit too prim and prissy for my liking at the start but, as I hoped she would, she did develop as the story went on into a stronger willed character, less constrained by society.
I guess all in all, it was a good story and I am curious to read the following books (three more I think?)

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