Monday, June 28, 2010

Two on the Kobo

Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger was the first book I read on my Kobo. It was excited when it came out last fall and wanted to read it right away, but wasn't willing to purchase it on hardcover: too expensive and too difficult to balance a hardcover comfortably in bed. But my kobo solved both of those problems for me and I was able to read it happily. Well, as happily as a person can read a strange story about two generations of twins and their obsessions and deceits. I did very much enjoy the novel and the characters, even when they displayed their particularly evil and deceptive sides. The end left me feeling a bit cut off. It was another book that just sort of stopped suddenly.
Following Symmetry I proceeded with a book taht I bought based solely on the title. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender caught my eye online and I read the exerpt and found I liked the writing style and premise of the story. This one I tore through over the weekend. The story, about a girl who finds she can taste people's emotions in the food they make, was a delight. Granted, it did get pretty weird about halfway through when Rose discovers her brother has a "special skill" all his own, but the story had such a poignant touch of reality and the day to day life of a "typical" family living in the suburbs of california, it was really enjoyable. Definitely a good read for the summer.

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